Social Media- The Unwanted Necessity?
When we think of social media and business we are aware of the benefits it can bring. Indeed, some of us dream about getting that viral post that takes you from the edge of failure to complete sell out and exponential growth seemingly over night. In recent years it has been highlighted through many channels, ironically social media being one of them, the mental toll it can take on our health. This is where the term unwanted necessity comes in.
Many of us will deny that ‘we care about what other people think’ that we are strong and don’t give two hoots if they project negative opinions on to us, but this mask of defence and confidence can slip when its aimed at your business. Why is this? Well lets face it, those who choose to strive out on to the path of entrepreneurship do it because we have a passion for something, we care about how something should be done. When someone tries to put out that flame it can be hard to push back, do better, brush it off, or all of the above. Not only this but you have to do this with an ‘air of professionalism’ to ward off any additional trolls that may come your way. Now having read this far do you feel weary? keep reading…..
Although there is a trend to show the ‘not so perfect side of life, business and everything in between’ there is still very much a herd mentality, and evidence based fact that ‘good sells’. In business terms this can mean showcasing products, people and what your business can offer your potential and current customers. Even if you want to jump on the ‘not everything is perfect trend’ we do it with careful consideration to the overall impact it can have on our brand or business. Still feeling weary? Well now to ramp it up, don’t forget you need to post something everyday, well at least that’s what the algorithms and the ‘successful influencers’ tell us.
Everyday you can show your passion to the world and share it loud and proud, and for many this is a wonderful tool to get your message, your business or your brand to the masses. The vast majority that choose to follow you do so because they like what they see; your hard work is paying off, and in time you may find you get to work on what you love every day. This can be the dream come true, and for many it really is. Passion and profit together. However, dreams are dreams because we all know what a nightmare is. The wheel may feel like it spins faster once you reach the heights of success you wanted, but here comes the next big question. Can you ever get off it?
Can you delegate out the needs of the business to be present on social media, can you let go of the reins and trust someone else to do what you have worked so tirelessly on for weeks, or even years. Do they care about your business like you do? Have you hit burn out or are you revelling in your success? Knowing a big part of your income comes from being on the social platforms, and there are multiple to keep updated, means that for many it was their route to success, and still is a valuable tool for growth and business sustainability. It really can be a fantastic way to become successful and profitable. We all know it is just one outlet and there are lots of other ways that businesses grow. However in these modern times it is now becoming one of the most important assets. It is a reality that small business owners tend to have to do it all and screen time is significantly higher when we feel the need to update our social media channels, sometimes at the expense of time spent on projects or product development, customer relations, networking and many other elements that make up a successful business. It can run into your personal and family time to, where there is the addiction to constant checking back to see if its a ‘viral sensation’ and to respond quickly to comments to ensure the algorithms continue to work hard for you.
We are no stranger to social media, its pro’s and con’s here at Egertons Timber & Hardware. I’ve had to get better and quicker at managing it but its not something we can just shove out the door. A large chuck of our customer base love to see what we are up to and what we can offer. We all lead busy lives and it can be easier to pop online rather than call into store, we get that. We will always maintain a focus on customer care and face to face relations, a bit of banter too. Its been a very interesting blog to write as I am very aware of the positive and negative impacts it can have.
Balance is key, is the cry I hear but is it truly doable? Social media ultimately is the unwanted necessity.