Recommended Contractors
Below you will find contact information for contractors we recommend. These are people we have known for a long time. We have seen their work week in, week out and we trust them. The good ones always book up quickly so make sure you don’t leave it to late.
Johnsons Prestige Fencing & Gates
Finally A Fencing & Landscaping Company In Cheshire That Will Respect Your Time And Property, Send Your Price Proposal Within 24 Hours & Start The Work When They Say They Will!
Cheshire Wood Wizard
We are a family business, specialising in joinery & landscaping solutions. We also design and make handcrafted wooden items - all made to order, which means styles and sizes can be adapted to meet your individual needs.
07733 266469
DMC Landscapes
Professional and personal, providing landscaping and exterior timberwork services throughout the East Cheshire area. Full design and installation service available.
Dave- 07772807112
Clive Scott Garden Design
Domestic Landscapers offering a service from design through to completion of award winning gardens
M: 07742 456 769
E: info@clivescottgardendesign.co.uk
Impact Gardens & Driveways
Garden and landscape design and build company with 20 years in the industry and a degree in design. Contact Lee
Finance Available
DBS Checked & Certified Staff
0330 088 1165
01625 447949
Shield Fencing
We specialise in all aspects of fencing, railings, gates, pergola, outbuilding and concreting. Cheshire based company working throughout the Northwest. Over 20 years in the industry.
Ben 078952024890
Email: Shieldfencinguk@gmail.com
CBC Landscapes NW Ltd
Landscape gardening company covering Greater Manchester & North West. Fencing, playgrounds, decking, patios, garden structures and more, domestic and commercial work undertaken.
Alcumus Approved Contractor
07713 587934
D Reynolds Fencing Contractors
Fencing & Gates, Agricultural, commercial and industrial
07940 095342
Huttons Landscaping
Hard and soft landscaping company. Based in Congleton, covering Cheshire.
Charlie 07707913804
Macclesfield Fencing & Gates
Working In Macclesfield & surrounding areas.
Domestic Fencing including timber and concrete post & panel.
Tel: 07722095021 Matthew
Email: maccfenceandgate@gmail.com
MF Contracting
M.F.Contracting does all aspects of tree work, landscaping, and fencing with over 17 years of experience.
07739 692254
Email: mark@mfcontracting.co.uk
Leigh Fencing.
We are a local company based in Poynton with years of experience in providing high quality fencing in a range of styles. We do everything from replacing and tailoring panels to fit existing posts to replacing wooden or concrete posts and custom making feather edge fences. We also manufacture and fit gates made to measure. We have experience in installing specialised acoustic fencing to reduce sound pollution from roads and railways. We provide a personal service with tailored advice to suit any situation.
Tel: 07969 288 751
Jane Loxley Garden Design
RHS Qualified in horticulture & design
TEL: 07771988318