It is important you read and understand this leaflet prior to installation.  Our guidelines will help ensure the gate is fitted correctly and in a suitable environment. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO ANY INSTRUCTIONS WILL INVALIDATE ANY CLAIM.

Please inspect the gates for size and defects. Do not treat the gate if any damage or defects are found. Any damage should be reported immediately following delivery.

Gates should be handled carefully and always lifted into place, never drag across each other or across other surfaces. These gates need to be kept dry. Avoid direct contact with sunlight until the gate has been fully treated. They must be stored on a flat surface and supported on either level bearers or upright against a wall with both stiles evenly supported. Any small nicks or scratches should be sanded using fine sandpaper before treatment. Before hanging, gates must be treated and sealed on all faces and edges, Extra care must be given to the underside and all end grain – See Treatment instructions below. Any gate which has been worked on cannot be exchanged, with the exception of a gate with a proven manufacturing defect. This gate must not be left exposed to the elements until it has been fully treated.


Please follow the instructions from the Product Data Sheets of your chosen Manufacturer, this will always include preservatives and may also include degreasing, knotting agents, stain-blocking primers, denibbing, base coats, topcoats and drying times.  Note that all surfaces, edges and any cut-outs/drill holes must be fully treated -pay particular attention to the underside and all end grains. We cannot guarantee against natural movement, splits, shakes or rot in timber products but the correct use of treatments will help to eliminate this. Further treatments will be required depending on the product used and the location of your gates.


Gates must be fully treated before being hung or exposed to the elements. Adjustable hinges should be used to allow for seasonal movements that can occur naturally with wood. When hanging, the braces should “rise” from hanging stiles to centre stiles for strength. Gates must be fitted by an experienced installer. Gates should not be installed as a bi-fold gate as this will put undue stresses on the joints of the gates.


We recommend the gates are regularly inspected and maintained annually in accordance with the chosen treatment manufacturer’s instructions. This will help to extend their life. Please remember timber is a natural product it absorbs and gives off water to balance out with the surrounding environment. As such it can be subject to movement and weathering as it seasons. When timber is allowed to dry too rapidly this can cause warping. It is quite common for small splits and shakes to occur during drying. This is just nature at work and should not be considered a fault. This is normally not detrimental and in all but extreme cases will rectify as humidity rises. Treating your gate with a modern UV oil will help alleviate the effects of weathering.


We will not be held responsible for any incidental work or problems as a result of bad storage, handling, hanging or incorrect treatment (including customers failing to treat with preservative prior to applying finish coats). In the event of this gate being proven to have a manufacturing defect where a replacement is needed, the liability of the seller shall under no circumstances exceed the price of the defective gate. The foregoing does not affect your statutory rights.